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Why choose MIS

Marche International School

The MIS project stems from the awareness that we live in an ever-changing world, and that what we learn today may become outdated tomorrow. At Marche International School, we understand that the simple storage of concepts and skills may not be enough for the future, so we make sure that our students are prepared to live in an ever-changing reality. We guide children to develop the skills they need to build a better world. We prepare them to think creatively so that they can cope with all the unpredictable situations they may encounter along the way. Ultimately, we give them the tools to write and direct the script of their lives. Our method is based on creative and active learning, and our curriculum is built on the different branches of knowledge that intersect and come to life. Our international school uses a child-centred method that addresses all aspects of a child's development: cognitive, academic, social, emotional, and physical. We believe that every child has an innate sense of curiosity and that they can develop their full potential when guided by talented educators in an environment that meets their needs.